Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Masquerade Parties for Spring and Summer

My top selling invites for this spring, by far, have been Masquerade themed. Masquerade parties are super hot now and will continue to be through summer and fall. Sweet 16 and Quinceanera Masquerades have been the most popular, followed by Masquerade birthday parties.

I have always been in love with this theme and am super excited to be designing invites for these lavish events! I have always been a huge fan of masquerade masks and couldn't be more delighted that they are making a HUGE comeback.

Majority of my designing has been focused on Masquerade Invitations, and you can find my growing collection at my Etsy store here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BellaLuElla?section_id=13379632

Looking for some mask inspiration? I take part in one of the coolest pinterest boards out there for Masquerade themes, check it out here: http://pinterest.com/coolstyles/masquerade/

I wanted to showcase a few more invitation designs here on my blog.

This design, by far, has been the most popular. I have this in an array of colors because it is so popular. 

I haven't given away a freebie in awhile, so I wanted to do that also. Here is a free Masquerade graphic  for you lovelies! Have fun!